
Dylan Werner

aka Dil

Brand Designer, Graphic Designer

The Dil logo originated from the nickname of my first name “Dylan”. After being a dedicated graphic student in Eindhoven for 6 years, I started to delve further into the graphic & digital world. Mainly specialized in branding, printing and production, I work with a lot of energy and passion on coming up with conceptual expressions to visualizations and ultimately realizations. This with mastery of the Adobe programs InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop. In the past I have been responsible for various projects over the years. Both own projects and work for various clients.

Besides the fact that my hobby is also my job, I play baseball at PSV-HSC 2 days a week to be sporty in addition to my office job. I also like to be involved in music. I play the guitar and occasionally record and publish. In my free time I also like to watch a good movie/series.






Blissful Sense

aka Dylan Werner

Performer, Producer

Blissful Sense (BS) is my musical project, experimenting as a multi-instrumentalist, writing, playing, recording and producing psychedelic to progressive rock music. The underlying idea behind the name Blissful Sense is the opposite of bullshit (BS), that blissful sense is the undertone of what my music should radiate. The music has a diverse range of influences and appears as a continuously flowing psychedelic tone that emphasizes melodies that sound best behind the wheel or with eyes closed.



Let's solve your brand
Dylan Werner

aka Dil

Blissful Sense

aka Dylan Werner

Listen on Spotify